Monday, August 9, 2010

2010 JA Conference Notes - Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising ideas:
Any business that caters to children: Ask them if they will sponsor a night where the AF gets a % of the profits.
Halloween dance
Brat Stand
Have a night in - Get all kinds of at home parties (tupperware, avon, lia sophia, etc) to come to your home and instead of giving you product, give you a % of the profits.
Hold a silent or live auction
Golf outing
Bake Sale
Invite all your friends to a BBQ and charge admission
Letter campaign - Include a SASE to increase donations
Host a holiday party
Provide a food stand for a community event

Fundraising costs are tax deductible, keep track of mileage to go to fundraisers, mileage to foundation meetings, paper costs, postage costs, etc.

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